A Glimpse into 21st-Century Learning at Shaw

by Ayden Damare, Class of 2024
Published September 26, 2023

In today’s fast-paced society, education is constantly evolving to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world. At Archbishop Shaw, the principles of 21st-century learning are woven into the educational process, helping create an environment where students can not only succeed but grow in faith.


EYE OF THE BEHOLDER – Students in Mrs. Crossland’s biology class dissect a cow’s eye. Through dissections, students are able to further understand the world around them. Photo by Ms. Celina Crossland


Cultivating Curiosity through Hands-On Learning

Mrs. Celina Crossland, Biology and Human Anatomy and Physiology teacher, recently led students through a dissection of a cow’s eye. While technology can provide unique anatomical insights, she believes that “[physical] dissections encourage students to explore their world and increase an appreciation of God’s creatures.” 

Through this hands-on and faith-based approach to learning, students are offered a perspective many modern programs no longer offer. The students leave the experience a sense of gratitude for the world around them and what has been given to them by God.

Empowering Through Technology and Expression

Technology is central to 21st-century learning, and all students are thus equipped with Chromebooks which serve as versatile tools for their education. Mr. Alex Cormier, Technology Coordinator, explains, “being knowledgeable of the world around you – which the Chromebooks enable you to be – not only makes you a good student, but helps you to be better men and ultimately better Christians.” He further explains, “Using our minds is essential to being a son or daughter of God. Access to information and these experiences only better enables you to use that gift.”

The technology provided to students in the classroom enhances their ability to learn, communicate, and grow, preparing them to face the challenges of our modern world.

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Travis Ball ‘24 and Ethan Armstrong ‘24 take the NWEA MAP Growth test in the library. The NWEA MAP Growth test provides teachers with information about how their students are performing, helping inform instructional strategies. Photo by Mrs. Courtney Bond.

Measuring Growth and Inspiring Achievement

Each year, students regularly take the NWEA MAP Growth Test which consists of three sections: English, Reading, and Math. Mr. Benjamin Russo, Assistant Head of School of Academics, believes that these tests “are good at assessing students strengths and weaknesses in different subjects.” According the Mr. Russo, the test identifies where students are and, with appropriate intervention, “where they will be in the future.”

“As a school, we use that information to identify what is causing those weaknesses and how to help students overcome them.”

Nurturing Growth & Faith in the 21st Century

At Archbishop Shaw High School, students are given the opportunity to learn in an environment that nurtures their academic, personal, and spiritual growth. Shaw is committed to the growth of every individual student and the shaping of them as leaders in the 21st century.

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