Shaw Graduate Profile

When a young man completes his years at Archbishop Shaw High School, he possesses the marketable skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the 21st century. The Archbishop Shaw graduate exemplifies a well-developed, self-disciplined mind, body, and spirit.


  • He is capable of problem-solving critically and analytically allowing him to express his beliefs clearly and confidently
  • He demonstrates appropriate etiquette and social skills, particularly within a cross-cultural, cross-gender, and/or cross-generational context
  • He works diligently and embraces a challenge, understanding that a solid work ethic is key to success
  • He recognizes the value in continuous learning in order to remain intellectually competent
  • He understands the value of technology in a global economy and uses it proficiently and responsibly
  • He has mastered the academic subjects required for college admissions or some other form of post-secondary education



  • He presents a professional appearance and demeanor
  • He exhibits a healthy, balanced lifestyle
  • He demonstrates good sportsmanship and teamwork



  • He strives always to be a productive and compassionate person of God, dedicated to service to the community
  • He makes faith-based, moral decisions
  • He participates in the sacramental life of the church and has the foundation for ongoing growth in the faith
  • He is a responsible citizen who stands for peace and justice, embraces diversity, and shares the Gospel values with others
  • He embodies the Salesian values of reason, religion, and loving kindness
  • He carries with him the pride of being an eagle as he becomes a member of the Shaw Alumni


As a result, an Archbishop Shaw graduate is prepared for life.


67 Class of  2024

 18 ACT score of 25+

$4,228,776 Scholarships

62 College Accepted

6700+ Service Hours

396 DE Hours Earned

303 AP Hours Earned

7 Silver Eagles

Our 2024 Seniors


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