
ObjectivesTheology 8Theology ITheology IITheology IIITheology IV

“The Church continues the mission of Jesus, prophet, priest, and servant king. Its mission, like His, is essentially one – to bring about God’s kingdom – but this one mission has three aspects: proclaiming and teaching God’s word, celebrating the sacred mysteries, and serving the people of the world.” (National Catechetical Directory #30)


The Theology Department at Archbishop Shaw High School seeks to participate in the ministry of Jesus by helping the student develop an understanding and awareness of the Catholic faith and to motivate him to make those choices which will enable him to live as a mature member of the Kingdom. To this end, Archbishop Shaw High School Religion Teachers make full use of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for the Young People of High School Age published by the USCCB.




  • To enable the student to love the person of Jesus Christ and acquire a better knowledge of the mystery that He proclaimed through a curriculum that is integrated and attentive to student needs.
  • To provide channels for the student’s experience of God in Christ by providing opportunities to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, days of prayer and recollection, retreats and other forms of personal and community experience.
  • To give the student the opportunity to translate his school centered faith study into action through service; this includes service learning and participation in Christian service through programs and projects that help the poor and needy in the community.


Theology 8

Non-Credit – Grade Level 8
Text Provided:  Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World, Ave Maria Press and Theology of the Body for Teens Middle School Addition, Ascension Press; The New American Bible

Course Description:  During the course of the year, the students will gain a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through their study of the Bible they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. In the course they will learn about the Bible, authored by God through Inspiration, and its value to people throughout the world. If they have not been taught earlier, they will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. The students will pay particular attention to the Gospels, where they may grow to know and love Jesus Christ more personally. In addition, students will take supplemental units on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. They will discover and examine the meaning of the existence of humankind as revealed by God through our bodies. Special consideration will be given to the meaning and purpose of human sexuality.

Theology I: Christology and the Paschal Mystery

1 Unit – Grade Level 9

Text provided:  Jesus Christ: His Mission & Ministry, Ave Maria Press; Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation, Ave Maria Press; New American Bible

Course Description:  During the First Semester, the students will be introduced to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course, students will understand that Jesus is the ultimate Revelation to us from God. In learning about who he is, the students will also learn who he calls them to be.

 During the Second Semester, students will be helped to understand all that God has done for us through his Son Jesus Christ. Through the course of this study, students will learn that for all eternity, God has planned for us to share eternal happiness with him, which is accomplished through the redemption Christ won for us. Students will learn that they share in this redemption only in and through Jesus Christ. They will also be introduced to what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what life as a disciple entails.

Theology II: Christology and the Paschal Mystery

1 Unit – Grade Level 10

Text Provided: Student purchase Jesus and the Church: One, Holy, Catholic &; Apostolic, Ave Maria Press; Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments, Ave Maria Press; Theology of the Body for Teens High School Edition, Ascension Press; The New American Bible

Course Description: During the First Semester, the students will be introduced to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course, students will understand that Jesus is the ultimate Revelation to us from God. In learning about who he is, the students will also learn who he calls them to be.

During the Second Semester, students will be helped to understand all that God has done for us through his Son Jesus Christ. Through the course of this study, students will learn that for all eternity, God has planned for us to share eternal happiness with him, which is accomplished through the redemption Christ won for us. Students will learn that they share in this redemption only in and through Jesus Christ. They will also be introduced to what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what life as a disciple entails.

Theology II: Morality

1 Unit – Grade Level 11

Text Provided:  Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Living as a disciple of Christ ,Ave Maria Press;  Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality, Ave Maria Press;  The New American Bible

Course Description: During the First Semester, the object is to inform and guide the students to right action with God, Self, and Others that correspond to the teachings of the Catholic Church. This will be completed by completing the following topics: Appreciating the gift of being human; Using one’s intellect; Looking to the Law to guide one’s freedom; Imitating Jesus; Forming, informing, and following one’s conscience; Repenting and seeking forgiveness when one sins; Loving God above all; Loving oneself and Loving one’s neighbor.

During the Second Semester, students will be introduced to the Church’s Social Teaching. The students will engage the Church’s social doctrine, studying it as the “seamless garment” which dignifies the human person’s life, freedom, and actions. Special emphasis will be placed on how to apply these teachings to day-to-day life. In this course, students are to learn how Christ’s concern for others, especially the poor and needy, is present today in the Church’s social teaching and mission.

During the Second Semester, the students will study the Sacraments. The Sacraments are the way that the people of God continue to do the things that Jesus did and gain their identity in Christ. Each of the seven sacraments will be studied from the point of view that they reflect the actions of Jesus and speak to the real life experiences that each of us lives through. Special care will be given to the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

In addition, students will take supplemental units on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body-YOU. They will discover and examine the meaning of the existence of humankind as revealed by God through our bodies. Special consideration will be given to the meaning and purpose of human sexuality.

Theology IV: Christian States of Life and Vocations/Catholic Social Teaching

1 Unit – Grade Level 12

Text Provided: Marriage, and Holy Orders: Your Call to Love and Serve (Ave Maria Press); Sacred Scripture (Ave Maria Press); The New American Bible

Course Description:  During the First Semester, students will come to know and love Christ through a deeper dive into Scripture and Christian virtue. Formation toward a personal spirituality is an essential component of the course.

During the Second Semester, students understand the vocations of life: how Christ calls us to live. In this course, students should learn how all vocations are similar and how they differ. The course should be structured around married life, single life, priestly life, and consecrated life. Students should learn what it means to live life for the benefit of others and the value in considering a vocation in service to the Christian community.

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