Reason: A Hallmark of Salesian Education
Saint John Bosco emphasized the need for the young to develop their ability to reason. Archbishop Shaw offers a college-preparatory program designed for that very purpose.
Our comprehensive curriculum challenges students to strive for greatness. Academic resources are available, from peer tutoring to professional educators, to give students experiences that will prepare them for the rigors of higher education and beyond.
To learn more about our courses and the unique opportunities Shaw can offer, choose a department below.
Note: Qualified 8th grade students may be considered for placement in certain high school credit courses. Honors classes are available in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Enrollment in these courses is determined by the High School Placement Test.
Dual Enrollment Courses
In partnership with Our Lady of Holy Cross College and Southeastern University, Archbishop Shaw offers the following courses for college credit: Advanced Math allows the student to earn 6 hours of college credit (3 for College Algebra and 3 for Trigonometry); English V allows the student to earn 6 hours of college credit (3 for Composition I and 3 for Composition II).
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
Eligible students at Archbishop Shaw High School can potentially earn college credit through Advanced Placement courses available in English, Science, Social Studies, and Computer Science. Students who are enrolled in Advanced Placement courses take a final exam administered through the College Board. Students who successfully complete the exam earn college credit for the coursework.
Honors Courses
Honors courses are designed for those students who have demonstrated success in their regular classes the prior year. Students are challenged beyond the established curriculum for the course to achieve greater depth of understanding of materials presented.
Regular Courses
Standard and Regular courses are designed to meet the needs of the learner through differing instructional methods aimed at helping the students to achieve at his highest potential.